How to complete a quote
Follow this guide to complete a job on Load Logistics.
You can only work on and complete a job when the shipper has paid the full quote amount on Load Logistics.
Follow these steps
The shipper will negotiate a quote with the carrier using the Load Logistics messaging facility. During this process, the carrier and the shipper can negotiate and finalize quote price. The carrier can adjust the quote as much as they like until it is accepted and paid.
The shipper will pay the quote using the Load Logistics payment facility.
Load Logistics
Load Logistics will send pickup/delivery information to the carrier via email. This information can also be viewed on the 'Current Jobs' page.
Out For Collection
The carrier will mark the job as out for collection to notify the shipper that they are on their way to collect the job.
The carrier will go to the pickup address and collect the job. The carrier will also update the job status by using the controls.
Transport & Delivery
The carrier will transport and deliver the job to the delivery address. The carrier will also update the job status by using the controls.
The shipper will then review the job. If this is not done within three days, Load Logistics will mark the job as completed.
Load Logistics
The Load Logistics team will release the funds to the carrier payment account. This occurs every Friday.
Step #1 - Negotiation
The shipper will negotiate a quote with the carrier using the Load Logistics messaging facility. During this process, the carrier and the shipper can negotiate and finalize the quote. The carrier can adjust the quote as much as they like until it is accepted and paid.
Log into your account: .
In the top navigation bar, click 'Messages'.
Find the job you want to negotiate and click the conversation.
Step #2 - Payment (Shipper)
The shipper will pay the quote using the Load Logistics payment facility.
Log into your account: .
In the top navigation bar, click 'Messages'.
Find the job you want to accept and click the conversation.
Click the 'Accept' button.
Make your payment using our secure payment facility.
Step #3 - Instructions (Carrier)
Load Logistics will send pickup/delivery information to the carrier via email. This information can also be viewed on the 'Current Jobs' page.
Log into your account: .
In the top navigation bar, click 'Manage Jobs'.
Click on the 'Current Jobs' tab.
Find the job you want to work on and click 'View'.
Step #4 - Out For Collection (Carrier)
The carrier will notify the shipper that they are out to collect the job. The carrier will also update the job status by using the controls.
Log into your account: .
In the top navigation bar, click 'Manage Jobs'.
Click on the 'Current Jobs' tab.
Find the job you want to work on and click 'View'.
Click the button to notify the shipper that you have collected the job.
Step #5 - Collection (Carrier)
The carrier will transport and deliver the job to the delivery address. The carrier will also update the job status by using the controls.
Log into your account: .
In the top navigation bar, click 'Manage Jobs'.
Click on the 'Current Jobs' tab.
Find the job you want to work on and click 'View'.
Click the button to notify the shipper that you have collected the job.
Step #6 - Transport/Delivery (Carrier)
The carrier will transport and deliver the job to the delivery address. The carrier will also update the job status by using the controls.
Log into your account: .
In the top navigation bar, click 'Manage Jobs'.
Click on the 'Current Jobs' tab.
Find the job you want to work on and click 'View'.
Click the button to notify the shipper that you have collected the job.
Step #7 - Review (Shipper)
The shipper will then review the job. If this is not done within three days, Load Logistics will mark the job as completed.
Log into your account: .
In the top navigation bar, click 'Manage Jobs'.
Click on the 'Current Jobs' tab.
Find the job you want to work on and click 'View'.
Complete the review and click 'Submit'.
Step #8 - Withdrawal Request (Shipper or Carrier)
Load Logistics manually processes withdrawal requests after they have been received. After a withdrawal request has been processed the carrier will receive funds into their account and the shipper will receive a refund if a cancellation or dispute was involved in the job process.
Log into your account: .
In the top navigation bar, click 'Manage Jobs'.
Click on the 'Current Jobs' tab.
Find the job you want to work on and click 'View'.
Click the 'Request Withdrawal' button.
Last updated