How to create a carrier account

This guide will demonstrate how you can create a carrier account on Load Logistics application.

These steps only apply for carrier accounts that have not yet been approved or completed the carrier setup process. The carrier setup process is made to guide you through all of the details we need to activate your carrier account.

Follow these steps

  1. Log into your account: .

  2. In the top navigation bar, click 'Account' (The circle with the image).

  3. In the drop-down, click 'Manage Account'.

  4. Click 'Carrier Setup'.

  5. You will be guided through a list of steps to complete:

    1. Verify your email address.

    2. Verify your phone number.

    3. Add a vehicle to your fleet. You can add as many vehicles as you wish.

    4. Add registrations and certificates. There are multiple documents required, these have (Required) beside them. You must add and upload clear images of your documents.

    5. Add transport categories to your business.

    6. Add associations to your business.

    7. Wait for your payment account to be created (this is automatic).

    8. Add bank and identity details. This allows Load Logistics to send you money.

Last updated